In December 2021 Ingsva got its environment certificate ISO 14001. We have created environmental groups in Närpes and Jakobstad which meet every quarter, these same groups are also in charge of the internal revisions. Our environmental goals are about the bus fleet consisting of only Euro class 6 vehicles or vehicles that run on renewable or fossil free fuels by 2025 and about the fleet only running on renewable or fossil free fuels by 2030. We also strive to not have abnormal emissions in nature caused by our vehicles, we try to avoid this by preventive means but also by our service managers following up our deviation list so we can keep up with the deviations. We also have environmental goals for our properties and amongst other minimizing the electric- and water consumption are a part of these. Our maintenance crew keep a check on the chemicals by having a register of the chemicals in an app, we use collection vessels and have the chemicals in a cabinet so no chemicals will leak out. The environmental groups set new environmental targets gradually to bring the job forward. Anchoring the environmental work with the employees is the big task, up until now we have mainly informed the employees about it via our information canals. To anchor this further we have planned a course in environmental safety, so everybody can be educated and have the possibility to get the green “environmental safety card”. Accept this all our newly recruited employees will get and introduction in Ingsvas environment work and -goals. Our aim is to make the employees as involved that they will start to se the environmental goals and report environmental deviations, but it will take some time yet to get there.